Thursday 8 April 2021

Signs Someone Might Have A Personality Disorder (Eps.2)

1. They Love You, Then They Hate You 

"BPD individuals have a lot of trouble regulating their thoughts and feelings"

2. They Are Incredibly Impulsive 

"There is little thought to the long-term consequences of their actions on themselves and those around them"

3. Their Personality Is Always Shifting 

"It is not uncommon for them to be distant, authoritative, friendly or hostile with the same person in the same day"

4. They Are Easily Enraged Does 

"your friend bubble over with rage, seemingly out of nowhere? According to Barton, this happens because your friend is trying likely looking to you for help regulating her emotions. When you can't come through (and you can't expect yourself to), she'll likely become enraged that her needs aren't being met. It really ends up being a "game" nobody can win"

5. They May Even Get Violent 

"These reactions could include threats of physical violence, suicidal threats ... [or] a depressive breakdown." It can be quite scary for all involved"

6. They Are Super Needy 

"may act overly needy when their support system is removed, even temporarily, such as when a close friend goes on vacation"

7. They Complain About Feeling Empty 

"We all feel a little down at times, but your friend always seems to be swimming in the deepest depths of human emotion. He or she might complain about feeling empty, or like they "aren't really there," according to Berman. It all goes back to that missing sense of self"

8. They Drop A Lot Of Dough 

"Spending money carelessly and in excessive amounts"

9. They Have Intense Romantic Relationships

10. They Abuse Drugs Or Alcohol

11. They Have Tried To Hurt Themselves

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