Sunday 13 June 2021

I just miss my blog..


Salam 13 June 2021..

Dah lama rasanya tak mengadu domba kat sini..hmmm..actually last week aku ada homework given by my counselor on how to be Assertive in Communication.Ughhhh i find it's a bit hard for me to do that.But whats so good about that is finally i get to know that which type of communicator i am.There is Passive,Assertive and Agressive.Yup..most of the times i am being all passive,rarely agressive and none of  it is assertive.

So what is assertive?As per my understanding assertive means having or showing a confident and forceful personality.Haha how is that a Boderline Personality Disorder going to be a confident personality when you yourself still doubting everything about you.Some more assertive person gonna be like a person who communicates assertively by overcoming fear and speaks their mind in a way that respects the personal boundaries of others.This kind of person also will defend theirselves against aggressive people..Owh how am i gonna do that????If i am brave enough to speak my mind or defend myself at the very 1st place...this blog were never exist at all!!!!This is where i speak my mind...where i stand my beliefs and curse people i hate the most!Do you get what i mean?
For example,i gave you Assertive Behaviour - they are an active listener,have good eye contact while communicate and reflect back what was just said to confirm back the info was correct.In my case...i don't even know should i laugh or should i of my friends sister is fighting with her life,so this friends called me and told me that the Doc just called and said that they can't perform CPR or something like that because her sister conditioned are worsen and they can't help her to get any better.And this friends told me while she is crying and what i heard is totally different which from my understanding from her crying that her sister had passed away bla bla bla CPR tak boleh buat and bla bla bla....and we ended the call.Then i rushed to both of my aunt Cikgu Zainab and Mak Su Cah and told them that my friends sister just died.Next day i heard that my friends sister still alive and still struggling with her life while i'm already announced her death!I felt like killing myself that time because this death matters is not something that you can jokes around.Shit!You moron!And her sister passed away a week after that.Bersalahnya aku......

(13/6/2021@9pm  while i m writing this blog i just received sad news one of my aunt just passed away - Al Fatihah Aci Zubaidah@Mak Besaq - i just can't stop this tears..Guys,Mak Besaq is 1 on of the funniest aunty that i've ever had - she had the widest smile and the best jokes and also the most supportive person..Dear Mak Besaq,i may not visit you always before,but i want you to know without you,things gonna change a lot..hilanglah keceriaan kami semua,gelak tawamu akan aku rindui selalu)

Mohon ramai2 sedekahkan Al Fatihah buat Mak Besaq dan jugak semua umat Islam yang telah pergi dulu sebelum kita semua...Moga ditempatkan bersama orang2 yang beriman....Aminnn

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